在这部众神遗忘之地剧情/科幻/恐怖片中,他看起來是個性格乖僻的單身宅男,照顧妹妹是他生活裡最重要的事。父母都不在了,但更主 撼 要的原因是妹妹之所以終身癱瘓,甚至顏面駭人,都起於童年的一場意外,而他必須負責。
心 他每天餵她吃飯、替她擦澡,有時還召男妓來滿足想像的需求。深植心底的愧疚,逐漸扭曲變
的 形,飽受煎熬的他深信,眾神將帶妹妹離開這種苦痛,但必須讓祂們知道我在這裡。
離經 靈感來自太平間和一具女屍的《眾神遺忘之地》,充滿震驚觀眾的影像和細節,然而在古怪與 叛 恐怖的氣氛中,還能提煉出救贖與愛意,讓人既恐懼又感動。導演找來本身患有罕病的名模梅 道之 蘭妮蓋多斯飾演妹妹,她交出匪夷所思的表演,和本片既怪誕又真實的風格,契合無間。
30-year-old factory worker Simon lives a solitary existence on a decrepit farm in the remote French countryside. Devoting his time to caring for his sister Estelle, who was left severely disabled when a childhood game went horribly wrong, Simon is plagued by guilt and depression. But he sees a way out, looking to otherworldly forces as a means of liberating both himself and his sister from the corporeal prisons in which they are confined.