在这部羊之歌剧情片中,自幼丧母的高城一砂(小栗旬 饰)被父亲长年寄养在好友江田夫妇家中。升上高中后,他变得嗜睡且时常梦到儿时光景,某日放学后更是突然晕倒在美术部。在记忆的牵引下,病症恶化的一砂鬼使神差的寻回了曾经的高城家,意外与分离多年的同胞姐姐千砂(加藤夏希 饰)重逢。从千砂口中他得知了高城家族隐秘而残酷的宿命:嗜血症候,并将最终因此发狂而死。流淌着这种血统的人之于人群便如同迷失的狼之于羊群,对彼此都是危险的存在。心灰意冷的一砂不得不离开熟悉的人群,搬回高城家中与千砂避世生活。相依为命的两人每日每夜都在与欲望和宿命的斗争中挣扎着……
Ever since his mother died, Kazuna Takashiro has been living under the roof of Mr. And Mrs. Eda, who are his father's friends. One day, he passes out while working as a model in an art class. Repeated nightmarish imageries invade his mind, and, without even knowing, he heads toward his old home. Once he gets there, he is reunited with his older sister, Chizuna, who tells him about the secret of the grave "illness" that runs in their family. An illness that make them overcome with a desire for blood of others. When Kazuna's symptoms are all apparent with shivering fit and all, Chizuna tries to give him her own blood, and remarks that nothing can be done about it.
文件名 | 大小 | 地址 |
喜羊羊与灰太狼 | 11.2 GB | |
喜羊羊 | 7.8 GB | |
[羊之歌Sheep's Song]RMVB | 407.03 MB | |
[HQR] Hitsuji no Uta OVA [DVDrip 720x544 h264 ac3]MKV | 1.64 GB | |
[BDMV][アニメ][150528]大図書館の羊飼い 第6巻 | 15.3 GB |