在这部快乐之树剧情/短片/战争片中,二战期间,一名美国战地老摄影师为了追寻他参军失踪的儿子,独自一人来到法国。在一次次目睹死亡及寻找无果后,老摄影师变得冷漠而孤僻。在一次爆炸中,他被送往医院开始接受治疗, 并在治疗期间认识了一名同样失去亲人的孤儿。在两人逐步的交往过程中,这名孤儿用自己对生命的希望为老摄影师创造了一棵用照片拼凑的“快乐树”。老摄影师被孤儿这种孩童的对生命的向往所感染,逐渐变得开朗,并再次对生命报以希望。在最后,摄影师逐渐接受了儿子失踪这一事实…
An aging American war reporter suffers alone in a French hospital during World War II, blaming himself for the disappearance of his son who was lost on the war front, but when he meets a young orphan who befriends him and teaches him about hope, he is able to find the strength to accept the loss of his son.