在这部再见剧情片中,他们不能在一起,但是他们实在难舍难分。悲惨的事实横挡在这对海枯石烂的情侣之间——他已经结婚了。这典型的三角恋情以轻描淡写的方式描绘出来而实际上是极其痛苦的。Amsterdamers Jan 和 Laura偶然的相见,除了势不可挡的相互吸引和爱慕外,没有更多的说明,于是他们陷入了彼此的爱恋之中。荷尔蒙这种化学性素确实有着神奇的魔力。但是Jan别无选择,他爱他的妻子,于是果断的斩断了和Laura的情丝。如果事情真的就这么容易那就好了。所有的易变的感情、犹豫矛盾,渴望、罪恶感,偷情的欢愉、愤怒和全面破裂纠结着Jan和Laura迫使他们最后走向了——说再见。导演Honigmann,演员Johanna Ter Steege(《不朽的爱人》贝多芬传记片里的一位美丽演员)和演员Guy Van Sande的演出使对Jan 和 Laura的演绎,使人物丰满,可信而且激起观众的情感共鸣。在他们生活的环境里——阿姆斯特丹,这座城市本身就迷人的场景——他们在激情中的欢快恰好和感伤痛苦的情歌呼应平衡。
A woman falls in love with a married, Belgian man. She finds out that he's married too late... although it's the second thing he says. The rest of the film is about the struggle of the man between his two loves, and of the woman not able to finish the hopeless and dangerous relationship. The title "tot ziens" (au revoir, a farewell greeting that implicates that one will see eachother again), is the ironic description of the film, which is about going away for good and then coming back again, because something is always stronger than your ratio.