在这部大家来晚餐剧情片中,兩年來從未聚首的戴索拉家族總算在今年的平安夜齊聚一堂。李奧納多是一個長年忙於工作而忽略家庭的政客,聖誕節前夕他帶著女友回到老家和家人團圓─兒子帕維爾、女兒艾杜勒和9歲的小孫子布里,尷尬的是,他的現任女友卻是帕維爾的前女友! 難得的團聚漸漸變成新仇舊恨的戰場,每個家族成員都有話要說。夜晚還很漫長,戴索拉家族該如何在這一片混亂中結束這難得的平安夜呢?
The Dessola family, who has never met in the past two years, has finally gathered together on Christmas Eve this year. Leonardo is a politician who has been busy with work for many years and neglects his family. On Christmas Eve, he took his girlfriend back to his hometown and his family reunion - son Pavel, daughter Adul and 9-year-old grandson Buri, what is it, His current girlfriend is Pavel's ex-girlfriend. The rare reunion has gradually become a battlefield of new hatred and old hatred, and every family member has something to say. The night is still very long, how should the Dysola family end this rare Christmas Eve in this chaos?