Inspired by an actual occurrence in Japan Haru who has relocated to Hiroshima in southern Japan comes across a rogue telephone booth in the middle of nowhere when she returns to Iwate Prefecture in northern Japan. The unconnected telephone in a white booth is driven by superstition that it is a direct line to the dead. She and several locals converse and they share their stories and the different states of belief regarding the booth that is prevalent.
后“311”时代的创伤式“丧失”,面容失效的“游荡躯体”。可惜啊可惜。阅片随想。题材好但是剧情冗长。灾害 灾害的次生 甚至次生的次生。在路途中治癒。为本片中今田老人的扮演者・西田敏行先生做个小宣传。风的电话不简单。