在这部神探夏洛克:最后的誓言剧情/悬疑/犯罪片中,本集因以电视电影形式报艾美奖评选而被单独列出,改编自原著《米尔沃顿》。华生受朋友请求来到一个年轻人吸毒聚集地,没想到在这里居然遇到夏洛克。华生把夏洛克带回贝克街,惊讶的发现夏洛克有了女友,这位女友正是自己婚礼上的伴娘洁琳。但随后华生发现,夏洛克之所以和自己的伴娘约会是因为在查的案件。夏洛克假装要求婚,混进了讹诈专家马格努森的办 公室,华生也和夏洛克一起,然而就在夏洛克发现马格努森被人威胁的时候,威胁者转过头,这个人竟然是华生的新婚妻子玛丽……
Lady Elizabeth Smallwood is one of many victims of master blackmailer and media tycoon Charles Augustus Magnussen and asks Holmes to retrieve some incriminating letters for her. Having cultivated Magnussen's secretary Janine, Holmes breaks into Magnussen's office but is confronted by a mysterious black-clad woman, who shoots him. He recovers in hospital and goes after her to discover her identity and reason for wanting the blackmailer dead before he and Watson visit Magnussen at his country house for a confrontation and shoot-out.
Two is better than one。不错。一篇影评。夏洛克。最后的孩子。记。细节控的菜。神探夏洛克:最后的誓言。电影吧这质感!浓浓的英国怀旧复古风。最后的。