在这部花束般的恋爱剧情/爱情片中,深夜的地铁站,因错过末班车让山音麦(菅田将晖 饰)和八谷绢(有村架纯 饰)两个年轻人不期而遇。他们相约前往附近的咖啡店,并且畅聊文学、电影和各自的爱好。令他们感到惊喜的是,两个人无论是习惯、爱好还是理念居然极其相似,仿佛就是另一个自己,因此他们对对方渐渐产生好感。在此之后,他们相约再次见面,顺理成章成为了情侣。大学毕业,步入社会,小麦和小绢痴心相守。只不过现实生活磨砺着年轻人的意志和爱情。小麦被迫暂时放弃自己绘画的梦想,成为一名上班族,日渐拮据的生活也让他们减弱了对理想生活的要求。
A twenty-two-year old man and a twenty-two year old woman miss the last train departing a station in Tokyo and become acquainted. Thus begins a five-year long romance, which develops, blossoms and goes through its cycle. The two are in love and live for the moment. They feel they are content and contemporary and there for another and shun the feelings of longing, nostalgia or even dreaming. The director began working on the film assuming the actor and actress would be his leads and has cast them here.