As a child Yasuko lived in a house without a mother. She was abandoned and never had that certain thing that growing up with a mother gives one. Satoshi's mother dated Yasuko's late father. Satoshi visits Yasuko and has a tale to tell. Yasuko's life is going to be different from that day forward.
观后感。直子妈妈内心柔软,呵护男主女主的内心向阳 ——月与雷。一睁眼,只剩下我一个人。我想温柔地抱抱这世界。救赎。验 证 自 由。“你是我生命中最美好的事情,你让我想哭”——《月与雷》。简要故事。耐人寻味。月有阴晴圆缺。