在这部我们家剧情/家庭片中,正在东京一所服务类公司“友情物语”中打工的青年樱木一步(向井理 饰),意外发现某位委托人竟然是自己的亲生妹妹穗乃香(村川绘梨 饰)。原来穗乃香即将谈婚论嫁,却苦于父亲无法出席婚礼,因此希望请人假扮蒙混过关。兄妹俩的父亲武士(长冢京三 饰)早年离家出走,留下妻子鲷子(田中裕子 饰)和两个孩子度过了漫长而孤独的岁月。一步与穗乃香辗转回到家乡,从母亲口里知晓了关于父亲的更多细节。在此之后,一步随在富家小姐丽美(市川实日子 饰)的陪伴下踏上寻找父亲的旅程,寻找无果最终拜托名叫仓田百合雄(渡边一计 饰)的男人假冒父亲。
Sakuragi works for a human rental company called Yujou Monogatari. The company specializes in supplying actors and actresses who act as friends or family for folks who have no one for the right occasion in Tokyo. As such, he often finds himself being either a sounding board or sympathetic ear or ersatz relation for all manners of customers. He is sympathetic for he was abandoned by his father at a young age. Although he himself has left his mother and sister behind.