在这部喜马拉雅之灵剧情片中,神秘的珞巴人世居喜马拉雅原始森林,与世隔绝,一场瘟疫将部落推向灭族边缘。猎手达玛另岽为解救族人,不顾族人的反对和巫师的神谕,出走部落寻找“生命之泉”,在藏地历尽路途险恶和猛兽攻击,身处险境遭遇重创, 同样面临生死考验。
With the high development of human civilization there is less and less pure land on the earth. The conflict between humans and nature keeps intensifying. Many primitive cultures and beliefs are gradually disappearing. \"The Soul of Himalaya\" is a story of the Lhoba people's legends and customs. The film portrays a warrior's journey to save an ancient tribe whose way of life is threatened.
人救人还是神救人?。神秘民族的绝处逢生。神秘民族的绝处逢生。神秘民族的绝处逢生。喜马拉雅之灵讲述的传奇故事。大自然创伤我们,也治愈我们。喜马拉雅之灵。传颂一个部落,让14亿人看见60万藏南同胞!。绝境重生 生机不灭。