在这部战斗里成长剧情/战争片中,抗战初期,阎匪统治下的山西某地,饿殍遍地,民不聊生。恶霸杨有德(吴振君 饰)和儿子杨耀祖(王孝忠 饰),横行乡里,鱼肉百姓。他们强占了农民赵老忠(贾六 饰)三亩水田,喊冤无门的赵老忠含恨自尽。其子赵铁柱(田丹 饰)愤怒之下放火烧了杨家的房子远走他乡,妻子(李健 饰)也带儿子小石头(王成有 饰)逃荒去了外地。多年后,长大的石头(张毓敏 饰)参加了八路军,已是八路军营长的赵铁柱却不知给自己当通讯员的石头是他的亲儿子。太原战役中,石头救母心切违犯了纪律,受到严厉批评,认识错误后,石头请缨参加了突击队。在解放家乡的战斗中,仇人杨有德父子受到了应有的惩处......
After being swindled out of his land by a local landlord in 1930s China, a grandfather commits suicide. His son burns down the landlord's house in a fit of rage, then escapes to join the PLA. His grandson later joins the PLA too in the 1940s to avenge his father, grandfather and mother.