电视剧的动作从1986年4月到12月展开。苏联克格勃乌克兰分部了解到外国情报机构对切尔诺贝利核电站的兴趣。军事反情报中校安德烈·尼古拉耶夫(Igor Petrenko)抵达普里皮亚季地区,搜寻涉嫌从事间谍活动的有经验的中情局官员艾伯特·伦茨(Dmitry Ulianov)...
The action takes place from April to December 1986. The Ukrainian department of the KGB of the USSR becomes aware of the interest shown by foreign intelligence services in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. To establish the whereabouts of an experienced CIA officer, Albert Lenz, who is suspected of espionage, on the territory of Pripyat, Lieutenant Colonel of military counterintelligence Andrey Nikolaev arrives in the city.