Kai 擁有能看見戀情結束時刻的奇異能力,每拔掉鼻毛就能看見一串數字,預見自己戀情結束的日子。某天他偶然遇見自稱是小學同學的 Kuan,並且得知她有腦瘤日子所剩不多,所以堅持要跟 Kai 前往萬榮。在這場奇妙而歡樂的旅程,Kuan 似乎隱藏某種對 Kai 復仇的計劃。Kai 最終發現愛情是沒有保存期限的,但那時一切已惘然......。
Love story about a man with an unnatural talent for seeing the end date in relationships. It's not instinct, it's nose hairs. Kai's nose tells him it's time to get out of the relationship he's in just as an old school mate comes back into his life. They take to the road and lead us on a wild and charming journey through the Lao mountains of Vang Vieng.