在这部黑胡子大盗冒险片中,史蒂夫·沃克在黑胡子旅馆发现了一个神秘的密码,当他破解了这个密码时,黑胡子海盗的灵魂出现了,黑胡子海盗和史蒂夫发现停在港口的游艇上的人都是走私犯,呛 们走私郎姆酒和宝石,黑胡子海盗从走私犯手里夺走宝石……
In 1674, "reformed" pirate Sir Henry Morgan is a high official in Jamaica, but Edward Maynard hopes to win a large reward by proving Morgan still dabbles in piracy. Maynard goes undercover as ship's surgeon with a Morgan henchman...who's been supplanted by notorious Blackbeard himself. Also on the ship is Edwina Mansfield, seemingly a damsel in distress, to whom there's much more than meets the eye.