在这部圣女贞德剧情/传记/历史/战争片中,14世纪爆发的英法持续超过百年,法国节节败退,大部分国土都被英国占领了。就在这个时候,珍妮(米拉•乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich 饰)出生在法国的穷乡僻壤中。年少起,珍妮就经常看到各种幻想。一次,她看到幻想并根据指示找到了一把剑,当她带着剑回到家时发现家里已遭英军蹂躏。
珍妮知道是上天安排她来捍卫法国。于是她向当时的皇太子查理(约翰•马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)请求率领一支军队去抗击英军。走投无路的查理答应了珍妮的请求。随后珍妮率领法军节节胜利,查理亦顺利登基。
In 1412, a young girl called Jeanne is born in Domrémy, France. The times are hard: The Hunderd Years war with England has been going on since 1337, English knights and soldiers roam the country. Jeanne develops into a very religious young woman, she confesses several times a day. At the age of 13, she has her first vision and finds a sword. When coming home with it, she finds the English leveling her home town. Years after that, in 1428, she knows her mission is to be ridding France of the English and so sets out to meet Charles, the Dauphin. In his desperate military situation, he welcomes all help and gives the maiden a chance to prove her divine mission. After the successful liberation of Orléans and Reims, the Dauphin can be crowned traditionally in the cathedral of Reims - and does not need her anymore, since his wishes are satisfied. Jeanne d'Arc gets set up in his trap and is imprisoned by the Burgundians. In a trial against her under English law, she can't be forced to tell about her divine visions she has had continuously since childhood. Being condemned of witchcraft and being considered as relapsed heretic, she is sentenced to death. Jeanne d'Arc is burnt alive in the marketplace of Rouen on May 30th, 1431, at only 19 years of age.
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圣女贞德 | 正片 | 土豆 | 播放 |
圣女贞德 | 正片 | PPS | 播放 |
《圣女贞德 The Messenger:The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)》... | 正片 | 56网 | 播放 |
《圣女贞德 The Messenger:The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)》... | 正片 | 56网 | 播放 |
《圣女贞德 The Messenger:The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)》... | 正片 | 56网 | 播放 |
圣女贞德 | 正片 | 爱奇艺 | 播放 |
《圣女贞德 The Messenger:The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)》... | 正片 | 56网 | 播放 |