詹姆斯(约瑟夫·费因斯 Joseph Fiennes 饰)就出生在这样恶劣的局势之中,幸运的是,他是一位不折不扣的白人。从小大人们就向詹姆斯灌输着“黑人低人一等”的荒谬概念,成年之后,已然完全被洗脑的詹姆斯成为了罗宾岛监狱的一名看守,而他所看管的囚犯正是南非的民主斗士曼德拉(丹尼斯·海斯伯特 Dennis Haysbert 饰)。随着时间的推移,对黑人们越来越了解的詹姆斯开始对自己的所作所为产生了质疑——难道白人就真的可以这样理所当然的囚禁和侮辱自己的同胞吗?
James Gregory once lived in a farm and had befriended a native youth, Bafana, and had even had a photograph taken with him. Years later, now married to Gloria and father of three children (Chris, Brett, and Natasha), James has nothing but shame and regret, as many South African Caucasians in the oppressive Apartheid-era ridiculed him, leading him to hate Africans. He seeks to redeem himself by spying on imprisoned African National Congress Leader, Nelson Mandela. In the restrictive high security prison his job is to censor all written and verbal communications between prisoners, their visitors, and correspondence. James is uncomfortable when he witnesses Caucasian police and security officers' brutality against civilians, including infants, and tries to understand why Nelson became a rebel. This leads him to examine the 'Freedom Charter', a banned document, reportedly known to incite violence against 'whites'. And when he does read this document, he changes his mind about Nelson's freedom struggle. Soon he, himself, will be alienated by his very own peers. Isolated, he receives death threats over the phone and has to face the trauma of the 'accidental' death of Brett. In addition, he and his family are kept under close watch by the security forces amidst tight economic sanctions by the international community, and growing unrest by the natives who continue their fight for equality, and freedom for Nelson Mandela.
聚焦曼德拉不如记住巴法纳。《再见巴法纳》:第一人称的第三视角。《再见巴法纳》:于见证中嬗变。学好一门外语很重要。监察者和被监察者的友谊?。Goodbye, Mr James Grogery。信仰何在。《再见,巴法纳》:注意,有比打老虎更重要的事在发生。对历史要从多个角度去观察。再见 巴法纳。
文件名 | 格式 | 语种 | 地址 |
再见巴法纳.srt | SRT | 简体中文字 |
标题 | 类型 | 来源 | 播放 |
再见巴法纳 | 正片 | PPS | 播放 |