在这部嘉瓦同性片中,主人公嘉瓦(Calvin Tuteao 饰)是新西兰毛利族的后裔。当地传统文化由男人肩负娶妻养儿的天职,但在嘉瓦内心深处隐藏着鲜为人知的秘密:他喜欢男人。美丽的妻子和两个可爱的子女无时无刻不提醒着他扮演丈夫和慈父的角色,然而在认识青年克里斯(Dean O'Gorman 饰)后压抑的情感就如山洪,顷刻席卷整个家庭和部落......
本片根据新西兰著名作家Witi Ihimaera的小说《西班牙花园夜》改编,讲述一位中年男子在家庭和出柜间做出抉择、承担责任的故事。Witi Ihimaera的上部作品《鲸鱼骑士》在搬上大银幕后曾获得奥斯卡提名。
In this intimate drama, Kawariki must become the leader of the family after his father retires. A husband and father, he realizes that in order to lead with integrity, he must come out and be honest about his own life, even though it will test the boundaries of acceptance and unconditional love. Offering valuable insights into Maori traditions, family ideals and cultural values, this feature debut is rich and textured with emotional layers and stunning New Zealand landscapes.