在这部只为你停留剧情/爱情片中,《只为你停留》 (英语:Just For You)是2017年三立华人电视剧八点档系列第十八部作品 。本剧由李沛旭、小薰、简宏霖、严正岚领衔主演。
在冬天的阳光下,有一对兄弟,过着相对距离三百米,截然不同的生活。 哥哥乔楷腾(李沛旭 饰),是水电师傅,在地表骑摩托车,车后座绑着磨损严重,脏污、但同时也宣示战绩的工具袋,为了家计放弃国手梦。 弟弟乔袭明(简宏霖 饰),是王牌律师,在三百米高的办公室,周围的大片玻璃,可以鸟瞰大半个城市,十年前的那天,乔袭明历经人生中难以承受的重大打击从此封闭自己。 每个人或许都曾因为某个人某件事而停留在原地,追本溯源,如果能找到停滞的原因;就能找到停留的意义。
Can love mend all wounds? Chiao Kai-Teng and Chiao Hsi-Ming are brothers who lead very different lives. Kai-Teng gave up his dreams of becoming a national champion athlete to provide for his family and now works as a plumber. The younger Hsi-Ming was able to finish his education and become a famous lawyer. Kai-Teng meets Su Liang-Yun, a cold, aloof prosecutor. Hsi-Ming meets Hsu Pao-Chi, a woman who might have the answers to his lost memories from traumatic events 10 years ago.