在这部其父“奇”女 第一季喜剧片中,玛雅是个才华出众的女记者,笔锋锐利,最擅长挖苦讽刺。她的父亲杰克是一本女性时装杂志的出版人,事业成功,却生性风流。由于他去了玛雅一位高中女同学为第四任妻子,以至玛雅不满而离家独居。但当玛雅失去了电视台新闻记者的职位时,她只好硬着头皮来到父亲的时装杂志社。毕竟父女情深,然而事业却要靠自己去闯。令玛雅伤透脑筋的是如何与同事共处,包括曾为模特的美容时装版女编辑。其人高傲尖酸,由于人到中年,满腔怨言。另外,还有经常向美女挤眉弄眼的时装摄影师,以及父亲那位为争权不惜一切的得力助手都是玛雅要在杂志社大展拳脚的“绊脚石”。
Hot-tempered journalist Maya Gallo got herself fired from yet another job when she made an anchorwoman cry on the air with some gag copy on the teleprompter. Unable to find a job anywhere else and facing eviction, she is forced to go work for Blush, her father's fashion magazine. Personality conflicts quickly ensue with high-strung ex-model Nina van Horn, philandering photographer Elliot, and wise-guy secretary Dennis Finch.