在这部美食的艺术 第一季喜剧片中,《Bream Gives Me the Hiccups》的主人公是一个9岁的小男孩,他是一个享受特殊优待的美食评论家,经常带着酒鬼妈妈去各式各样的餐厅里品菜。每一篇故事的篇幅都不长,是以小男孩为第一人称的日记体写法,不知道拍成情景剧会是怎样的效果。但是杰西挑大梁的这个项目从气质上来说倒是与亚马逊的调调很相符,他们之前出品的喜剧《透明人生》也是透着浓浓的独立文学气息。
follows a quietly observant child, Oscar, as he copes with the dramatics of his recently divorced mother. He spends his lunches in the janitor's closet at school writing thoughtful reviews of each restaurant his mom dragged him to the night before. He treats the reviews as a diary, documenting his complex relationship with his mother as they both \"grow up\" in the wake of a divorce.