在这部塔瓦家命案之謎悬疑/纪录片片中,《塔瓦家命案之谜》讲述了印度史上最大宗的谋杀案之谜和其审判结果。2008年5月16日上午,塔瓦夫妇发现他们的女儿Aarushi遭到了殴打并割喉,陈尸自家床上。很快他们家行踪成谜的尼泊尔籍帮佣Hemraj Banjade,被锁定为头号嫌疑犯,但随后警方在公寓的屋顶上找到了他的尸体,且有同样的虐待迹象。由于案发当晚只有四人在公寓中,警方的视线很快转移到幸存下来的塔瓦夫妇身上。
An original four-part crime documentary series produced in association with HBO Asia and Star World, The Talwars: Behind Closed Doors examines the story of a double murder of a teenage girl and her family's household servant in Noida, India. Featuring never-before-seen exclusive interviews with Aarushi's parents, the series chronicles the twists and turns of a case that has confounded and divided India's law enforcement, media, judiciary and people alike.