在这部荒野大镖客:救赎动作/冒险/西部片中,短片介绍: 这是一部由John Hillcoat导演的长达半小时的《荒野大镖客》短片。本条目非游戏条目。 游戏介绍: 一份来自DailyMail的报告显示,RockStar再次在游戏开发上投入血本。最新的《荒野大镖客:救赎》(Red Dead Redemption)的开发费用超过1亿美元,这与之前的《侠盗猎车手4》(GTA4)如出一辙。 《荒野大镖客:救赎》采用GTA4的引擎制作,不过本次更换了主人公与剧情,单人剧情的长度达到了20个小时左右,而想要全要素通关更是需要上百个小时。R星还首次为游戏制造了无大厅的多人连线模式,玩家可以从中享受高自由的西部GTA风情。
John Marston is being blackmailed by government lawmen to hunt down his former partners-in-crime. Driven further into the American Southwest, Marston soon finds that Williams has crossed into Mexico, a country in the throes of a civil war. At every turn, Marston must choose whether to side with outlaws or innocents in the crossfire.