在这部法律与秩序 第二季剧情/悬疑/犯罪片中,在历经了第一年的各种案情后,MikeLongan和搭档Max,ADA.Stone他们合作的越来越默契。但是,第二季开篇就是Max的遇害,这让Mike非常伤心,整个团队异常哀痛。当Mike和新搭档Phil在一起合作时,是否能像和Max那样默契,Phil是否会像Max那天样对Mike循循善诱?Stone又会遇到什么样的困难,又能有多少次能和被告人达成共识,声张正义呢.
The DA's office has a major grand jury investigation underway on corruption and theft in the construction industry. The night before Det. Sgt. Max Greevy is to testify, he is gunned down at home in his driveway. Needless to say, Logan is upset and partnered with Det. Phil Cerreta, looks for what they and the DA's office believe must have been a leak from a member of the grand jury. When it turns out the jury foreman may have told his son of Greevy's upcoming testimony, Logan tracks him down and gets him to confess at gunpoint. There seems to be little doubt that the man is the one who killed Greevy but Logan's zealousness in getting the confession may result in the case being thrown out of court.
分集剧透。美利坚普法栏目。法律与秩序 Law & Order S2E3 笔记。随便记录下 /无营养废话 仅个人感想 慎入。Notes 2。分集记录。