在这部超能战士武士战队动作片中,邪恶的桑德雷德大帝(Master Xandred)率领众邪鬼(Nighloks)企图以恐惧与泪水汇成的三途河淹没人类世界,称霸地上。然而,只要这个世界上有邪恶存在就必定会有超能战士们挺身而出。在吉大师的指引下,五位看似平凡的少年组成了新一代的武士战队:红衣战士兼队长杰登(Jayden),粉衣战士米娅(Mia),绿衣战士迈克(Mike),蓝衣战士凯文(Kevin),以及黄衣战士艾米丽(Emily)。年轻的队员们刻苦修行武士道,远离亲人和朋友,凭借火、水、木、土、天五种元素之力,义无反顾地与三途河众魔进行不懈的斗争。
A new generation of Power Rangers must master the mystical and ancient Samurai Symbols of Power which give them control over the elements of Fire, Water, Sky, Forest, and Earth. Under the guidance of their all-knowing mentor and the aid of their devoted animal Zords, they battle the dark forces of the Netherworld and a mysterious Warrior bent on destruction.