在这部布鲁克林地区检察官 第一季片中,纽约最繁华的布鲁克林区上演着形形色色的是是非非,本片从布鲁克林地区检察官的视角挖掘各个案件发生的前因后果,以及真相解密的台前和幕后,宣扬法治、伸张正义,为观众带来一个又一个精妙绝伦的犯罪故事。
This show follows the members of the office of the District Attorney of the borough of Brooklyn, in New York City, as they prosecute their court cases or attempt to assist in the apprehension of thieves and a selection of other criminals.
This show follows the members of the office of the District Attorney of the borough of Brooklyn, in New York City, as they prosecute their court cases or attempt to assist in the apprehension of thieves and a selection of other criminals.