How about many of us remember what our dreams were when we were children? What our hopes and aspirations were? How about many of us grew up and realised that all the wonderous, innocent dreams that we had were probably not going to come true. That it was harder to become a superstar or a world-famous soccer player. How about many of us spent all of our lives unable to express ourselves and love who we wanted, openly. This drama is was about five such high school friends who also had dreams and goals but were unable to complete them. This is a story of second chances,of being able to love whoever you want,of dreams coming true, and of happiness.
能不能一天一集!!!。真心觉得精彩的非纯腐剧的泰剧。5515 san。有没有那么一种可能,我们来到这个世界也是为了能做点什么?。《重返十五岁》观后感。55:15。重返15岁,不是剧评,只是感慨。新年伊始我就暂定今年最爱泰剧。