在这部揭秘 被黄沙埋没的埃及古城纪录片/历史片中,失落之城阿玛纳,废弃于沙漠腹地的埃及古城,这座绵延甚广的大都市里曾居住过埃及法老埃赫那吞、王后纳芙蒂蒂以及少年法老图坦卡蒙,为什么它消失得近乎无影无踪?本片会揭开埃及历史的至暗时刻之一。
Man of leisure Sir Richard (Edward Petherbridge) receives notification that his Uncle has died, bequeathing him his stately country manor and all its lands. On his return to England he immediately sets about taking stock of all legal matters concerning his new property, but during these dealings Sir Richard seems to be more than a little distracted, he hears strange noises from the ash tree outside his bedroom window.