在这部零度以下的生活:加拿大 第二季纪录片/冒险/真人秀片中,纪录片讲述了生活在加拿大北部偏远地区的人的故事。他们在努力寻找食物、水和住所的同时,还要与致命的天气作斗争。他们能在自己独特的挑战性生活中取得成功吗?
S2 E1 Fresh Starts
S2 E2 Seal The Deal
S2 E3 Hell Or High Water
S2 E4 Trail Blazing
S2 E5 Falling Behind
S2 E6 Best Laid Plans
S2 E7 Cold Harvest
S2 E8 Two Feet And A Heartbeat
In the deep bush of northern Canada, winter preparation can mean the difference between a tough season and a deadly one, so even before summer is out, winter is on everyone's minds.