在这部创造奇迹 第一季纪录片片中,城市艺术项目公司(Urban Art Projects - UAP)位于澳大利亚的布里斯班。这是20年前开始的家族企业。布里斯班和上海的繁忙车间内,澳大利亚双胞胎丹(Daniel Tobin)和马特·杜宾(Matthew Tobin)在制作地球上最大的艺术品。他们与客户周旋,与不同艺术家合作,把艺术家们的想法变为现实,制作出大型艺术。《创造奇迹》节目中将展示出这些给城市增添趣味及艺术感的大型作品。
第1集 大型艺术
第2集 刚柔结合
第3集 金属艺术
旁白:Anna Hruby
制作:[Wildbear Entertainment](https://www.wildbear
When architects, designers and artists dream the impossible they turn to Australian company UAP to unlock their imagination to fabricate large scale public art. Over 20 years twin Brothers Daniel and Matthew Tobin created a studio and workshop that would enable projects for artists and designers to realise their creative vision. From humble beginnings in a small urban workshop casting bronze door handles to a worldwide enterprise across three continents working with over 130 staff to make some of the largest art in the world. Over this three part series we follow the UAP team across challenging large scale art pieces - working with fabrication teams, locations and materials, all while balancing client expectations, the budget and the artistic vision of each individual work. Using dramatic observational footage, reflective interviews, artist insight and extensive archive, we follow the conception, design, creation, installation, and stunning reveal of some amazing and inspiring large scale art.