在这部平行线 第一季悬疑片中,库马尔·马哈詹(Kumar Mahajan)是一名无神论者,他的生活并不顺利,他的朋友沙拉德·瓦布戈纳克(Sharad Wabgaonakr)带他去见一位斯瓦米(Swami),斯瓦米向他讲述了他的过去,起初他觉得一定是沙拉德帮了他,但后来发现斯瓦米告诉他的事情连沙拉德都不知道。库马尔决定接受斯瓦米的帮助,但斯瓦米在看到他的手相后不同意了,因为他之前就见过他的手相,但库马尔否认见过斯瓦米,并辱骂斯瓦米。 库马尔发现苏达山·查克拉帕尼就是多年前与斯瓦米相识的人,而且与他有相同的命运,于是决定追查他的下落,以便提前了解情况,改变自己的未来。
What if two individuals share the same destiny- the same palm lines, then what would happen? Samantar is a story about a young man Kumar Mahajan, whose life changes after he goes on journey to find, Sudarshan Chakrapani, a man who shares the same destiny with him. The life that Kumar is living is the life that Chakrapani has already lived. Will Kumar be able to control his present or change his future after meeting Chakrapani?