A small film with a big heart, SECOND HAND WEDDING is a bittersweet dramatic comedy set in the present, in a time when trademe and e-bay threaten the primeval urge for a firsthand crack at the second-hand. Jill keeps the dream alive until she is forced to confront the habits of a lifetime and concede that no bargain is worth her daughter's happiness. Father of the bride, Brian, quips that Cheryl's upcoming wedding will be the first time anyone in the Rose family has given something away - and that's the crux of it.
文件名 | 格式 | 语种 | 地址 |
[二手婚礼].Second.Hand.Wedding.2008.Blu-ray.a720.x264.DD51.CHD.Chs.srt | SRT | 简体中文字 |
标题 | 类型 | 来源 | 播放 |
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