在这部爱上试睡师喜剧/爱情片中,《爱上试睡师》是由青年导演罗登指导 ,丹尼斯吴 、唐婧、肖旭主演,曾江等老派实力演员加盟的一部爱情喜剧电影。该片主要讲述了患有多年“失眠症”的试睡员罗潇潇因工作关系入住一家酒店,与冷漠、不得志的酒店集团公子相识,在针锋相对的过程中,两人渐渐相知相爱,同时,罗潇潇发现,“睡不着”的人不止她一个……一幕幕引人发笑又引人深思的故事正在这个五星级酒店陆续上演。
Xiaoxiao is a hotel examiner. She goes to different hotels and writes reviews on the hotels' overall services and qualities. Xiaoxiao also suffers from insomnia,so whether she could get a good night's sleep at the hotel is also a key evaluating factor.Once when she checked into a five star hotel, she met Young,handsome hotel owner. They started off hating each other but gradually learned to like one another. They also discovered they have a lot more in common than they thought, like they are not the only ones having problem sleeping in the big city.