在这部Stealin' Ain't Honest喜剧/动画/短片片中,这一天,在某个船舱内,奥莉弗(麦姬·海因斯 Margie Hines 配音)正向大力水手卜派(杰克·梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音)展示一张藏宝图,那里面藏着奥莉弗发现的金矿。虽然他们行事谨慎小心,却还是被老对头布鲁托(泰德·皮尔斯 Tedd Pierce 配音)抓住空当。趁二人不注意,布鲁托从他们手中抢走藏宝图,切断了和他们的联系,独自驾驶快艇朝着金矿小岛前进。布鲁托此行十分顺利,很快便到达了目的地。他抄起工具开始挖了起来。而随后赶到的卜派和奥莉弗也不甘示弱,展开挖掘。洞越挖越深,这两方冤家终于在地下见面。
Popeye and Olive are on their way to an island that has a secret gold mine, but Bluto has photographed their map and disabled their boat. However, Popey overcomes Bluto's dastardly deed by propelling the boat to the island using an egg-beater. Once there, Popeye's supply of spinach enables him to beat all of Bluto's obstacles.