在这部卡塔米塔剧情/喜剧/犯罪片中,萨其(阿克谢•库玛尔 Akshay Kumar 饰)出身名门望族,有着一个声誉极好的父亲和优越的家境。因为坚持正义而遭受大学被退学后,只身前往孟买却经历了重重挫折后回乡转行做了个工程承包商,原本老实憨厚的性格也变成了油头狡诈。为了完成三年前自己承包的公路工程,萨其每日不得不为了支付工人的工资和材料费而绞尽脑汁,几近濒临破产。而自己的亲戚们却在黑暗的官僚体制漏洞下联手贿赂官员,偷工减料,中饱私囊,过着风生水起的日子。虽然萨其在家人眼中是个不折不扣的骗子和失败者,而萨其却坚信自己终有一天会出人头地。但是和前女友(特丽莎•克里希南 Trisha Krishnan 饰)的不期而遇更是让萨其的工程的如期完成变得遥遥无期,因为前女友竟然是负责验收工程的市政专员!
Satara-based petty road-works contractor, Sachin Tichkule, faces challenges when the Satara Municipal Corporation puts a hold on his payment. He decides to sue them, while his extended family deal with the crisis of a recently-collapsed bridge resulting in 65 deaths. If matters were not bad enough, the new Municipal Commissioner is none other than his estranged girlfriend/ex-collegian, Gehna Ganpule. Sachin had abused and assaulted her in Mumbai a few years ago, and she is now determined to blacklist him at any and all costs. While comically dealing with indolent employees, his sister's marriage, an elephant, a road-roller &c. he lands in even more hot water when the local police get ready to prosecute him for alleged Sexual Molestation, as well as Assault and Threats to Kill Gehna's brother.