在这部寻找狗托邦喜剧/家庭片中,被女主人残忍抛弃后,狗狗马克汉姆(Nitipaisalkul Pichaya 配音)幸运地在一群同类之中找到了安身之处,尽管日子依旧在颠沛流离的流浪之中度过,但有了好友们的陪伴,饥饿和苦难都变得不再那么难熬。
Makham and his gang once used to be well-treated dogs by their owners. Unexpectedly, their life turns worst when all of them are abandoned, and separated from the owners. They have to live like stray dogs, but all of them still believe that there is the blissful land, the land that's been told to be the heaven for dogs. Then, Makham and also his buddies set a journey searching for the land where they hope to be the new place for living with happiness forever.
在动物的世界里寻找自己——评泰国电影《寻找狗托邦》。试看报告:《寻找狗托邦》 配音太搞了。有情狗狗。看泰国片,就像吃榴莲。寻找狗托邦的回忆录。