在这部萤火侠喜剧/犯罪片中,《萤火侠》汇聚了新加坡和马来西亚多位谐星、无厘头的喜剧情节和正义的故事结构。电影讲述一位伸张正义的阿发把自己变成超级英雄,但是本身完全没有超能力,歪打正着后小有名气。并聘请了一位超级英雄助理,和另外一班反派超级英雄为社会打击罪犯。这是一部以打击罪犯概念出發,以超级英雄为 题材的時裝电影。所以电影里会出现美式超级英雄服装,多位演员在戏里演超级英雄,将会有很酷的超级英雄服装。在美式超级英雄电影里的英雄都偏爱紧身服,凸现其健硕肌肉的线条美,散发男性的雄壮,露出部分面部。
Tells the story of Huat, an ordinary uncle who dresses up as a superhero to fight crime. Firefly becomes an icon in the city when he successfully saves many people from being victims of crime. His success is not attributed because of his skills, but due to pure luck. Firefly soon meets a group of vigilantes who has real skills but who is brutal in carrying out their crime fighting mission.