A sneak peek backstage as the cream of British acting talent step forward to audition for that dream role. They are primed to take on the role of a lifetime, that complex woman, the strong woman, a woman for today. A lady part who is more than just - lady parts.
BBC一部7分钟的小短片,道尽性别歧视对女演员的摧残。龙妈、瑟曦“竞选”女一号,但剧组只想要“抖森”!。豆瓣9.0,女演员的潜规则抖出来了。如何成为女主角?。Thoughts。“can you be a bit more xxx?”。Me too。这个突然让我想起了陈粒的《易燃易爆炸》。易燃易爆炸。永远都在夹缝求生的女性们。