在这部减肥旅行团喜剧片中,精明的商人侯总(侯耀华 饰)瞅准商机,租下一艘前往三峡的豪华客轮,组织了一次减肥旅行团。随着生活水平的不断提高,人们的体重越来越胖,各种肥胖引发的疾病也找上门来,而减肥旅行团正对他们的心思。来自香港的肥肥小姐(沈殿霞 饰)、憨厚木讷的兽医(尹相杰 饰),甚至还有一个身材消瘦且惧内的知识分子(巩汉林 饰)。这群性格各异的胖子将游船闹得不可开交,不过专门负责督促胖子减肥的女教练晶晶小姐(蒋勤勤 饰)却令他们叫苦不迭。
A shady operator sets up the "Keep Fit Tour" taking overweight folks on a luxury cruise up the Yangtze River, feeding them very little, and providing an exercise regime led by Miss Ching Ching, a true fitness expert. Among the weight-loss hopefuls are a chubby kid who's a TV star, a wealthy Hong Kong woman who's brought a trunk full of snacks, a bossy woman who sneaks her mousy husband aboard in her suitcase, and a factory worker turned political boss. The manager, Mr. Hou, pesters one of the guests, and he finally rebels, taking the guests (and the money) on a protest march into the forest near Nanjing. Will Hou learn his lesson, and will anyone lose weight?