在这部比佛利山辣妹剧情/喜剧片中,《比佛利山辣妹》是1998年上映的喜剧片,由塔玛拉·詹金斯执导,艾伦·阿金、卡尔·雷纳等主演。剧情讲述了生活在70年代的青春少女薇薇安(娜塔莎·雷昂 饰),含苞待放,正走在蜕变为成熟女人的道路上。然而,她遭遇了两个问题:一个是她奇怪的游牧家庭,总是搬来搬去,但是她还是希望能够待在比佛利山的学区中。另一个是她日趋成熟的性征,再加上她讨人厌的表姐前来造访捣乱,把她的生活弄得乌烟瘴气,一团混乱......
Vivian's family are penniless nomads, moving from one cheap flat to another in Beverly Hills so she and her brothers can attend the city's schools. Uncle Mickey sends them money to survive. When Mickey's daughter Rita runs away from an asylum, Vivian's dad offers shelter to her if Mickey will pay for a plush flat. Vivian must babysit her adult cousin, making sure she gets to nursing school and avoids pills and booze. But Vivian has her own problems: she's curious about sex, likes an older neighbor kid, has inherited her mother's ample breasts, and wants a family that doesn't embarrass her. Can she help Rita, keep Uncle Mickey happy, and feel OK about her body and her family?
Excellent and original family drama!——胡逼说。