在这部不可见喜剧/纪录片/传记片中,“90岁高龄的Krystyna 住在她的小公寓里,家里摆满了书和草稿纸。即便Krystyna已经近乎失明,但这也不能使这位充满活力的女士停止诗歌创作。她的诗,热烈而生动地赞美着生命。她喜欢自己潦草地书写,但这似乎不太可行,因为她的一支笔坏了,刚写的那首诗几乎无法辨认。“我的诗作将要成为虚无!”她喊道,又写下一句美丽的诗歌。她还得准备参加一场重要的演说竞赛,希望能够将自己的诗作分享给听众。”
Krystyna, who is almost 90, lives alone in a small flat surrounded by books and tens of copybooks which she incessantly fills with the poems that come to her mind. There would be nothing strange about it if not for the fact that Krystyna is almost entirely blind. Thanks to the help of others she can communicates her vision of the world, which does not cease to delight her. In the meantime, she is preparing for an important journey to a declamation contest where she hopes to share her poems with the audience.