在这部超星星学园剧情/爱情/奇幻片中,统领十二星座的方氏一族是当今世界上最强大的家族,而本该继承统领之位的狮子座万适存(白澍 饰)却遭到了方太太的陷害,她派出刺客企图除掉万适存,并且大力扶持自己的儿子方天泽(肖战 饰)上位。 一晃眼多年过去,超能星学院迎来了一位转校生程芝儿(王玉雯 饰),哪知道这个可怜的女孩初来乍到就因为得罪了天秤座会长李亚当(彭楚粤 饰)而遭到了同学的排挤,不仅如此,她和方天泽、霍贝贝(徐晓璐 饰)三人亦陷入了复杂的三角关系之中。幸运的是,程芝儿在校园之中遇见了并不知道自己身世的万适存,后者向她伸出援手,甚至为了她而参加了“超能之星”的比赛。在赛场上,万适存和方天泽相遇了,这命运般的邂逅使得历史的车轮再度转动了起来。©豆瓣
The work tells that the Fang family that led the 12 constellations has become the most powerful family in the world, but the Fang Mocun family of the Fang family has faced an unprecedented crisis of succession. Fang die Mocun, Mrs. Fang in order to safeguard the interests of the family of a brewing conspiracy shaking the earth, sent to kill the square bastard Mocun Leo, Gemini premature labor with his son Fangtian Ze In his place, causing a fantasy of the story.
呆萌可爱的剧。一言难尽。一个小粉丝的私心。为白公子而来。超星星学园。这样OK吗?。肖战首秀 很烂但是很下饭。很沙雕的一部剧,但搞笑很认真。额。关于《超星星学园》。