在这部哈尔滨往事之风雷动剧情/历史片中,20世纪30年代,狼子野心的日本其实力逐渐渗透到内地,暗中进行着他们不可告人的计划。日本驻哈尔滨生化武器研究小组在黑龙会的监督授意下秘密进行生化武器的研究,但其中一名感染鼠疫的研究员私下逃跑。他在被黑龙会追杀过程中被驻哈守备旅的军医冷风(王雷 饰)救下,但此人最终被特务杀害。鼠疫事件宛如一枚炸弹,令各方势力大受触动,甚至连境外的苏联也派出特工潜入哈尔滨。局势愈加紧张,日本人丧心病狂试图湮灭一切证据,而身处漩涡中央的冷风无疑成为他们最为切齿的对象。
The story centers on the Lengs, a great merchant family in 1920s and 1930s in Harbin. At that time, the brutal Japanese soldiers disseminate virus in Harbin. By extremely cruel means, they treat Chinese people as their \"test field\". The Lengs lead people to fight against Japanese soldiers. With the mystery of the Lengs' origin being revealed, the Lengs suffer decay. However, the three sons make a great difference in defending their family and saving the country. At the same time, they are also entangled with complicated emotional confusions.