在这部甜甜小公主剧情/喜剧片中,甜甜(井上真央 饰)是含着金汤匙出生的千金公主,从小过着养尊处优的生活,个性泼辣而又蛮横。已经十六岁的她理应到了该谈婚论嫁的年龄,但甜甜并没有心上人,更看不上父亲(柳叶敏郎 饰)和母亲(和久井映见 饰)替自己安排的相亲对象。
为了抗议父母对自己婚事的干涉,甜甜竟然带着家童甘栗之助(今井悠贵 饰)离家出走,来到了城里的甜甜在误打误撞之中结识了少年盗团的首领煎兵卫(小出恵介 饰),坠入了情网。恶势力军团的崛起令整个城市的安全都受到了威胁,煎兵卫带领着他的盗团和恶势力进行顽强抵抗,夹杂在其中的甜甜亦无能幸免,情势一度变得十分危急。
At age 16, a tomboy princess, Princess Anmitsu, has no love interest in her life and worries her parents. Despite their concern, Anmitsu runs away from the castle to venture into the commoners' life. During her daring adventure, she befriends a group of children who make a living by pick-pocketing. At the same time, she finally meets her prince charming Senbei, the leader of the group. However, she soon finds herself in an awkward position when she learns of the children's new plot: they are planning to steal the treasures from her own castle. Will she be able to put a stop to it without revealing her true identity?