在这部不幸小姐片中,生在某个小城市的千仓绪美(贯地谷诗穗梨 饰)好像在出生前就被诅咒了一样,凡是跟她靠近的人一定会遭遇不幸。在过去的28年里,她的亲人朋友无一幸免,因此绪美被周围人称为“不幸小姐”,家乡已渐渐没有她容身的空间。收拾行囊的绪美落寞上京,结果在到达东京的第一天便令某创业家荣幸之助(萩原圣人 饰)的豪华跑车开进了河里。虽然受伤,不过幸之助却将不幸小姐带回了自己的公司,这里聚集着俱乐部部长大西爱里(木南晴夏 饰)、自由化妆师滨崎透(泽部佑 饰)、私家侦探伏山诚治(伊武雅刀 饰)、志愿团体干部片冈大介(永濑匡 饰)和实业家小金泽银次(大仓孝二 饰)等一群怪人。
28-years-old Tsugumi Sakura is nicknamed Ofukou-san (The Unfortunate One). Anyone who comes in contact with her will meet with bad luck too. With her sister's upcoming nuptials, Tsugumi leaves home for Tokyo to find work, but mostly to avoid anything bad happening to her beloved family in the celebrations. Tsugumi tells herself, \"I will be happy!\" and in trying to make that come true, she starts working at \"Anew\", a new company founded by an optimistic young entrepreneur, Konosuke Sakae. At the welcome party held for her by her boss, it soon becomes apparent that her \"jinx power\" is still going strong.