在这部侦探歌剧 少女福尔摩斯 第3季剧情/动画片中,第三季的标题确定为「二人是MilkyHolmes」,与前两季不同的是这次每话只有12分钟。剧情方面,新作的时间设定是前作的两年后,稍微成长了一点的MilkyHolmes四人,将会迎来和美和爱丽丝两位后辈,而随着两人的加入侦探小组的名称也改为"MilkyHolmesFeathers"。by:yakubd.cc
Two years have passed since the event of Tantei Opera Milky Holmes, a new group of phantom thieves called Color the Phantom have appeared at Yokohama to bring a revolution. Kazumi Tokiwa and Alice Myoujingawa who aspired to become detectives just like Milky Holmes rise to the occassion to opposed this new threat as a detective duo, the Feathers.