在这部JK是雪女剧情片中,古往今来,志羽神社宫司家族都是日本至高无上权力的实际拥有者。这个家族每一代当家主均与来自另一个世界的妖怪结合,以确保其权力的延续。作为交换,妖怪则获得了人类的“贵种”血脉。六十年一度的“联姻之年”终于来到,雪女一族的女孩冬城咲雪(玉城Tina 饰)肩负全族的希望来到人间,但是她对志羽家的当家主龙之介(户冢纯贵 饰)兴致寡然,反而喜欢上了志羽家的家仆——温柔可亲的安藤玲(横滨流星 饰)。与此同时,狐火家族的明洞院朱音则尝试接近龙之介,以期争夺“贵种”。
本就一团糟的状态,偏偏来寻找姐姐的小雪(平祐奈 饰)也爱上了安藤……
A love story between Snow Women sisters and a male high school student. Saki Fuyuki is a female high school student, but she comes from a family that has the blood of Snow Woman. To revive her family, she is expected to have a baby with Ryunosuke Shiba. He is the prince of the most powerful family in the human world, but Saki is attracted to Rei Ando. Rei possesses a warm personality that Ryunosuke lacks. His family has served for Ryunosuke's powerful family for generations. Rei is also human unlike Saki. Meanwhile, Koyuki is Saki's younger sister. She is a middle school student, but enters the high school where Saki attends. Koyuki struggles to protect her older sister.