在这部废材英雄剧情片中,邋邋遢遢的青年久住健太(佐藤隆太 饰)自幼父母双亡,多亏最亲的姐姐才将他拉扯大。但是健太年过三十没有任何上进的觉悟,在外欠下三百万的债务,以致于被黑道追索笔债,狼狈不堪。厄运接二连三降临,久未谋面的姐姐恭子(ちすん 饰)车祸身亡,看在钱的份上,他不得不收留陌生的小外甥大地(秋元黎 饰)在家居住。在某次危机时刻,健太吃了外甥的神秘糖果后,竟然意外变成了体力十倍于平常的十分钟英雄。在葛饰区派出所担任警察的童年好友丹波修司(冢本高史 饰)得知这一情况,决定将健太打造成这个混乱时代下的超级英雄。 废柴+英雄,别样混搭的超人故事就此上演……©豆瓣
Kuzumi Kenta is a lowlife moocher whose tendency to always do absolutely nothing because he thinks doing anything is troublesome, is a sure sign that he is NOT a hero. However, upon eating mysterious candy, Kenta discovers that his physical strength and sensory abilities are increased tenfold for exactly ten minutes. When a police officer, his best friend Tanba Shuiji, discovers this ability, Kenta is forced to use his newly found abilities for good.