在这部地球防卫家族动画/喜剧/科幻片中,故事内容讲述在近未来,主角大地的家庭因父母要离婚而面临破碎,这时突然出现一个神秘人物,他告诉大地:必须同邪恶的外来者斗争,捍卫地球。在地球面临危机前,家庭终于又团结在一起。是一部以“家庭”为主题的科幻动画。 在世代交替不久的未来,首都东京郊区的千叶县船桥市。竖立著高楼大厦中的某层楼里,住著一家四口叫大地的家庭。家里目前因离婚即将导致家庭破碎,却在这时接到某个使命後,又再度集合在一起。这天大型彗星状物体即将冲撞地球,世界引起大恐慌,大地一家不得不接下这防卫地球之使命,挺身防卫地球…。
The Daichis are a typical Japanese family on the verge of collapse. The mother wants a divorce and it's every person for him or herself. One day they are recruited by mysterious powers to serve as the Earth Defense Family, and given powerful battle suits with advanced weaponry. However, trying to work together as a team proves even more difficult than battling fearsome alien monsters.