在这部你不是犯人吧?剧情/犯罪片中,森田樱(贯地谷诗穗梨 饰)从小就热爱阅读推理小说,立志长大之后成为一名推理小说家。而她的确也是这方面的人才,森田樱拥有着强悍的逻辑思维和强大的记忆力,任何细微的蛛丝马迹都逃不过她的双眼。
某一日,森田樱结识了名为宇田川教生(要润 饰)的新人刑警,教生是含着金汤匙出生的富家大少爷,一眼就看出森田樱是一件了不得的“武器”,于是将森田樱招入麾下,从此两人结为搭档,破获了一桩又一桩的奇案。让森田樱感到头痛的是,教生似乎生来就拥有一种奇怪的魅力,总是会和案件中的女嫌疑人发生暧昧不清的感情,不仅如此,他那仅凭着一时冲动而做出的推理漏洞百出,常常令她啼笑皆非。
Sakura Morita is a peculiar "freeter" (freelance part-timer) who dreams of becoming a mystery novel writer. While switching between various jobs throughout the series, she also becomes an assistant to Officer Kyosei Udagawa, a detective who discovers her excellent memory and reasoning skills. On the other hand, Udagawa, who has just joined the police ranks through his father's connections, is fairly inept and has a tendency to fall in love with female suspects.